Amplify: for students in grades 9th-12th

Amplify is for our high school students. This group also meets at 10am on Sundays and again on Sunday nights from 7pm-9pm at Pastor Rob's house. They play games, have a lesson, eat snacks, and pray together every week. Like Fusion, Amplify students get to participate in fun events throughout the year and head out to Spring Hill for a weekend retreat in the winter. Amplify also offers separate Bible Studies for the boys and girls during the school year. For times and study information talk to Pastor Rob and/or Jenny Rounds.

Each year Amplify students participate in a Missions Trip. They use a rotation system for these trips so students will get to experience a wide range of missions. One year they take an in-state trip, one year they head to Chicago, and every third year they head out on an out-of-country trip. Past trips have included Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Mexico.