What We Believe

"See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God"

We enthusiastically embrace these words taken from Hebrews 12:15 as God's passionate heart for Crossroads.  It compels us to urgently take the message of God's grace to all people everywhere, no matter what spiritual condition they are in.  Our heart is for all to have the opportunity to be forever-forgiven and made whole, including those in the church living under the bondage of performance-based expectation, to experience intimacy with Jesus and forever-freedom in God's grace. 

This wonderful reality leads us to prayerfully advance our Spirit-empowered mission of:

Passionately and personally presenting the life and love of Jesus for the transformation of all people.

Statement of Faith

Crossroads is a part of the Evangelical Free Church of America, an association of autonomous churches united around the same theological convictions.

EFCA Statement of Faith

Our Core Distinctives 

Our core distinctives give a snapshot of who we are and what we are about at Crossroads!

  • Transformational Worship

    We are defined by the essence of worship that changes lives in our priority pursuit of God's glory.

    Our lives are transformed by worship as worship of our holy, holy, holy God embodies who we are and seek to become as we are transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ.  As people of worship we are committed to lives of intimate prayer, authority of His word, caring community, and passionate witness (Acts 2).  Our corporate worship prioritizes a contemporary, biblically-accurate approach employing the giftedness of our singers and musicians.  

  • Focus on Jesus

    We are intent on developing lives that imitate and are guided by Jesus through our intimate relationship with Him.  

    We seek to worship and know Jesus intimately and to make Him known passionately as the One who loves and cares for each one of us to a level beyond our human description.  Presenting the life and love of Jesus is the central definition of who we are and what we are about.  We unashamedly present the grace and truth of Jesus so people have the blessed opportunity to receive him into their hearts and lives.

  • Expositional Teaching

    Our teaching in all opportunities is biblical, accurate, and intended to change hearts and lives.

    We believe that the Bible is God's inerrant word and truth and thus strive to teach its precepts in a manner that is accurate and true to its biblical and cultural context in its original writings.  We value and strive to apply God's word as our authority and guide to every aspect of our lives in an age-appropriate manner knowing that it will dramatically change hearts and lives as it is communicated by the Holy Spirit.

  • Relational Ministry

    We are compelled to lovingly reach and share the healing message of Jesus with all people everywhere, knowing that each person has special value in His eyes and ours.

    We embrace the urgent call to live God's heart and strategically reach people locally, regionally, and internationally (Acts 1:8) with a focus on under-reached and overlooked people.  Our approach incorporates the truth that each heart has inherent value and matters deeply to God and, therefore, to us.  While we embrace the importance of the physical well-being of people, we are driven by an emphasis on the spiritual and eternal well-being of all whom God places before us.

  • Multi-generational Family

    We view our church as a loving and caring family that embraces all ages and seeks to encourage and develop younger generations.

    We believe our disciple-making commission is most effective when church is lived as a multi-generational family.  Therefore, we love and care for one another as family and strive to strengthen marriages and families as beacons of hope in our world.  We embrace and value all generations, but in a spirit of unity and humility place special emphasis on reaching and developing younger generations.